Our Work With
Families Impacted By Incarceration
Marital Coaching for Couples Impacted by Incarceration
Strong and healthy familial structures play a crucial role in providing support for families affected by incarceration. When a family member is incarcerated, it can have significant emotional, financial and practical implications for everyone involved.
Marriage coaching can be particularly beneficial for returning citizens (individuals who have been incarcerated), by addressing specific issues within their marital relationship that may have been impacted by incarceration, such as:
Building trust and communication in a safe and neutral space.
Managing reintegration challenges that may exist when reentering society after incarceration.
Addressing emotional well-being when managing a range of emotions, including guilt, shame, anxiety or depression, as they transition back into their marital relationship.
Enhancing relationship skills that may have been disrupted by incarceration, such as establishing healthy boundaries, conflict resolution, problem-solving, improved intimacy, which all can lead to a more resilient, fulfilling relationship.
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This is an initial consultation call for couples who have been impacted by incarceration
30 min

Youth Film and Theatrical Camp for Children Affected by Incarceration
Children with incarcerated parents are often referred to as the, “forgotten victims of crime,” due to several factors:
Lack of attention and support from society, policymakers, and the criminal justice system.
Societal stigmatization and isolation that children often face due to unwarranted association with their parents’ criminal behavior, that may lead to bullying, discrimination and judgement from their peers, educators and community members.
Emotional, psychological and financial challenges that arise from the disruption of the family structure
Beyond The Shackles and our award-winning industry partner, Biblical Films, have developed a theatrical and filmmaking camp for youth from the ages of 10 to 23 years old, to provide powerful tools for helping children affected by incarceration.
Providing a creative outlet to express themselves and their emotions through acting, writing, and directing.
Empower and boost children and young adult’s self-esteem by giving them an avenue to develop new skills and showcase their abilities.
Help build empathy and understanding by participating in theater and filmmaking activities that involve teamwork, cooperation and communication.
Provides a platform for storytelling, to raise awareness and advocate for social change to use their voice to make a positive impact on their communities.